H41007词汇预习 characters preview for H41007

1 地(dì)铁(tiě) metro  堵(dǔ)车(chē) traffic jam  相(xiānɡ)比(bǐ) compared with     优(yōu)点(diǎn) merit/advantage
上(shànɡ)下(xià)班(bān) go and from work
2 其(qí)实(shí) in fact     真(zhēn)正(zhènɡ) genuine/real      努(nǔ)力(lì) endeavor/effort
结(jié)果(ɡuǒ) result      成(chénɡ)功(ɡōnɡ) success     失(shī)败(bài) failure      过(ɡuò)程(chénɡ) process
3 经(jīnɡ)验(yàn) (good) experience     出(chū)差(chāi) travel on duty     着(zhāo)急(jí) anxious/in a hurry
4 幽(yōu)默(mò) humorous       钥(yào)匙(shi) key (to the lock)
5 毕(bì)业(yè) graduate        伤(shānɡ)心(xīn)  sad      难(nán)过(ɡuò)sad   
6 勇(yǒnɡ)敢(ɡǎn) brave     优(yōu)秀(xiù) excellent     律(lǜ)师(shī) lawyer      警(jǐnɡ)察(chá) police
7 世(shì)界(jiè)杯(bēi) world cup       观(ɡuān)众(zhònɡ) audience/viewers      吸(xī)引(yǐn) attract
赛(sài)场(chǎnɡ)  game field      了(liǎo)解(jiě) know/investigate
8 安(ān)静(jìnɡ) be quite(silent)      目(mù)的(dì)地(dì) destination     行(xínɡ)李(lǐ) luggage/baggage
下(xià)车(chē) get off (the car)    宾(bīn)馆(ɡuǎn) hotel    售(shòu)货(huò)员(yuán) salesperson
9  不(bú)但(dàn)......而(ér)且(qiě) not only...... but also     暂(zàn)时(shí) temporary   压(yā)力(lì) pressure
10 司(sī)机(jī) driver      取(qǔ) get/fetch      楼(lóu)下(xià) downstairs

11 挺(tǐnɡ) very         试(shì)试(shì) have a try    适(shì)合(hé) be suitable
12 填(tián)表(biǎo)格(ɡé) fill in the form      民(mín)族(zú) nationality     性(xìnɡ)别(bié) gender/sex
打(dǎ)印(yìn) print   职(zhí)业(yè) profession
13 饼(bǐnɡ)干(ɡān) biscuit       减(jiǎn)肥(féi) lose weight    瘦(shòu) thin     信(xìn)心(xīn) confidence
14 骗(piàn) cheat     流(liú)血(xuè) bloody         擦(cā)破(pò)/擦(cā)伤(shānɡ) abrasions
15 洗(xǐ)澡(zǎo) take a bath        洗(xǐ)手(shǒu)间(jiān) toilet
16 入(rù)口(kǒu) entrance     挂(ɡuà)(电(diàn)话(huà)) hang up (the phone)
17 打(dǎ)车(chē)/打(dǎ)的(de) take a taxi
18 打(dǎ)针(zhēn) injection    粗(cū)心(xīn) careless     按(àn)时(shí) on time   月(yuè)底(dǐ) the end of the month
19 由(yóu)你(nǐ) by you/up to you    总(zǒnɡ)结(jié) conclude/sum up   周(zhōu)四(sì) Thursday
20 师(shī)傅(fù) master      长(chánɡ)城(chénɡ) the Great Wall     
21 终(zhōnɡ)于(yú) finally/at last      空(kōnɡ)调(tiáo) air condition    浪(lànɡ)漫(màn) romantic
睡(shuì)懒(lǎn)觉(jué) get up late
22 果(ɡuǒ)汁(zhī) fruit juice      绿(lǜ)茶(chá) green tea      点(diǎn)菜(cài) order (dishes)
23 厚(hòu) thick    无(wú)聊(liáo)   boring      小(xiǎo)说(shuō) novel
24  打(dǎ)折(zhé) discount      
25 密(mì)码(mǎ) password      招(zhāo)聘(pìn)  recruitment    说(shuō)明(mínɡ) illustration/explanation
材(cái)料(liào) material      意(yì)见(jiàn) opinion    重(chónɡ)新(xīn)   again (from beginning)/restart
整(zhěnɡ)理(lǐ) sort out/tidy/arrange
26 西(xī)瓜(ɡuā) water melon     孙(sūn)子(zǐ) grandson    香(xiānɡ)蕉(jiāo)皮(pí) banana skin
垃(lā)圾(jī)桶(tǒnɡ)  ashcan/garbage can    数(shù)学(xué) mathematics
27 经(jīnɡ)验(yàn) (good)experience     积(jī)累(lěi) accumulation    优(yōu)点(diǎn) merit
诚(chénɡ)实(shí) honest
28 购(ɡòu)物(wù) shopping/purchase     行(xínɡ)李(lǐ)箱(xiānɡ) luggage box     逛(ɡuànɡ)逛(ɡuànɡ) take a walk
演(yǎn)出(chū) performance     外(wài)地(dì) out of town
30 国(ɡuó)外(wài) abroad       竞(jìnɡ)争(zhēnɡ)力(lì) competitive power   
环(huán)境(jìnɡ)污(wū)染(rǎn) environmental pollution
31 阿(ā)姨(yí) Aunt     日(rì)记(jì) diary     要(yāo)求(qiú) require/request
习(xí)惯(ɡuàn)customs      回(huí)忆(yì) memory
32 输(shū)了(le) lost    提(tí)前(qián) ahead of schedule/before hand    动(dònɡ)作(zuò) action
出(chū)发(fā) start/depart    集(jí)合(hé) gather/meet   通(tōnɡ)知(zhī) announcement
33 性(xìnɡ)格(ɡé) personality/character   活(huó)泼(pō) active    细(xì)看(kàn) view in detail
34 签(qiān)证(zhènɡ) visa    京(jīnɡ)剧(jù) Peking Opera     表(biǎo)演(yǎn) performance
结(jié)婚(hūn) get married    推(tuī)迟(chí) delay/put off
35 报(bào)告(ɡào) report   普(pǔ)通(tōnɡ)话(huà) standard Chinese/Mandarin  结(jié)束(shù) end/finish
网(wǎnɡ)站(zhàn) website    查(chá) check
36 读(dú)博(bó) study for PhD degree   关(ɡuān)系(xì) relationship   开(kāi)玩(wán)笑(xiào) make joke
37 矮(ǎi) short   同(tónɡ)校(xiào) at the same school   
38-39 于(yú)是(shì) so/thus    放(fànɡ)弃(qì) give up/quit    坚(jiān)持(chí) persist in/stick to
信(xìn)心(xīn) confidence    得(dé)意(yì) proud   留(liú)学(xué) study abroad   仔(zǐ)细(xì) carefully
40-41 爱(ài)情(qínɡ) love 信(xìn)任(rèn) trust   精(jīnɡ)彩(cǎi) wonderful   无(wú)论(lùn) no matter (what)
复(fù)杂(zá) complicated   尊(zūn)重(zhònɡ) respect
42-43 风(fēnɡ)景(jǐnɡ) scenery/landscape 骄(jiāo)傲(ào) be proud of  赚(zhuàn) earn
44-45 门(mén)票(piào) entrance ticket   收(shōu)入(rù) income   游(yóu)客(kè) tourist  后(hòu)悔(huǐ) regret
大(dà)使(shǐ)馆(ɡuǎn) embassy    动(dònɡ)物(wù)园(yuán) zoo

